We recently organised and funded the refurbishment of the seating area for The Friendly Café and shop in the Main Entrance of Airedale Hospital. This is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year and operated by volunteers on a roster basis. It sells hot and cold drinks, cold snacks, cakes and biscuits and useful items for a stay in hospital. All profits are reinvested in equipment and services for the hospital over and above that which the NHS will provide.
Friends are grateful for assistance from AGH Solutions who repaired the floor and repainted the area. Special thanks to Project Manager Richard Burgin.
The area was officially opened by Brendan Brown, Chief Executive of Airedale NHS Foundation Trust and Hazel Rushforth. Hazel is the longest serving volunteer within Friends of Airedale with over 43 years of volunteer service.
If you would like to help us fund other equipment and services for Airedale Hospital NHSFT you can donate online here https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/…/finalCharityHomepage.act… Thank you for your support